Support & Donate
As a non-profit organization, we rely on visitors to the mine and generous gifts from donors like you!
Your donations help us grow, engage, and educate visitors at the Bellevue Underground Mine.
The Bellevue Underground Mine also requires ongoing regular maintenance throughout the year. Maintenance is provided by our hard working and dedicated volunteers and Board Members. Volunteers work year-round, behind the scenes to ensure that the mine is a safe and fun experience for all our summer visitors.
Through its interpretive program, the Bellevue Mine provides visitors with an appreciation of Western Canada’s diverse history. Visitor’s make personal connections to stories of labor, family, immigration, industry and the Canadian Pacific Railway. The Bellevue Underground Mine gives visitors first-hand experiences that their health and well-being.
In 2020/2021 maintenance crew retimbered 150ft of the mine, retagged each timber and replaced 300ft of safety railing. They also improved the safety cabling system, replaced the electrical system, and installed new lighting at exhibit points along the path..
Our maintenance crew continue to work during the winter months to monitor and improve the safety of the Bellevue Underground Mine. This 2022/2023 season they have placed new slatting on a large section of the tunnel roof, as well as upgraded one of the old box cribbing.